On Time Delivery recommends the following drivers’ safety tips. No matter what occupation you have, driving is a dangerous but necessary activity. On average, there are six million accidents per year in the US. As drivers, it is very important that you stay safe on the roads.
There are many drivers’ safety tips, and we encourage you to try some of the ones we will list. The main technique where great tips come from is called defensive driving. When you are on the defensive while driving, you are more aware of your surroundings and more safe from other driver’s bad decisions.
Keep calm and drive on
A common motivator to poor driving decisions is getting upset or angry with other drivers. While being in a space that distances yourself from face-to-face confrontation and is a 4,000 pound steel box can give you a sense of overconfidence, it’s important to be patient and not get aggressive.
One angry driver can make a decision that makes another driver angry. The new angry driver will make a poor decision to make other drivers angry, and it goes on and on. All of those angry drivers drastically increase the chances for an accident to happen. Good calming strategies will help you stay safe on the road and avoid angry driving.
Be aware and pay attention
Staying aware of your surroundings is probably one of the most clear-cut tips that is out there for safe driving. Distracted driving is another common reason for accidents. Put away any distractions or manage them to give your full attention to the road. For example, put your phone away or set up automated messages to send while you are driving.
To stay aware, be sure to check your mirrors every twenty to thirty seconds, especially on freeways and highways. Making sure you know about the cars around you is important to spotting any potential dangers, and nothing will come out of nowhere. That includes both people and animals. Aware and undistracted driving is key to staying safe on the roads.
Keep your distance
It is recommended to stay three seconds behind the car in front of you. That way, the distance adjusts for how fast you are going to adjust the space you need to slow down in case of a quick stop. Following close behind anyone is a risk to your safety, but it is especially dangerous around large semi trucks.
There is a blind spot right behind the trailer, so if you are too close, the truck driver cannot see you. The general rule of thumb is to make sure you can see the driver in the side mirrors along with staying three seconds behind. Those three seconds can be the difference between safe driving and an accident waiting to happen.
Know your route
While apps with maps are great, they aren’t always updated nor do they take emergencies into account. The one thing that you can always depend on is that you can’t trust other drivers. Knowing your route will make sure you know how to react to unexpected moves from other people on the road. Even while you are driving, it’s important to know where you will go in case an accident happens in front of you.
Start off right
Funnily enough, the most important part to driving is before you start your journey. It starts with preparing yourself for the journey, especially if you are driving for a long time in one day for your deliveries. Make sure you are well rested and have eaten to be the most alert and focused you can be. Being tired is just as bad as being drunk while driving, so don’t do either to stay safe on the roads.
Then, it’s onto preparing your car. Check out our regular vehicle checks article to learn more about what you should look for before you start driving. Long or frequent trips are difficult on cars and trucks, so checking your vehicle often is important to make sure nothing happens while driving. Once you and your vehicle are ready to go, just put on your seatbelt and drive safely!
Safe driving is good driving. Make sure you are driving safely whenever you are out on the roads. No matter what season it is, the condition on the roads, or traffic, these tips can help you drive defensively on the roads.